Cumin Seeds Health Benefits: In Indian food, cumin is used extensively. Its taste and aroma give a great touch. However, few people know that there are many benefits to eating cumin seeds. The importance of cumin in Ayurveda has been greatly appreciated.
Cumin is an excellent anti-oxidant and it is also effective in inflammation and muscle relief. There is also fiber in it and it is also a good source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. Vitamins like Vitamin E, A, C, and B-complex are also found in very large quantities.
The brown chickpea (also known as Desi or Kala Chana) is a smaller version of the regular pale yellow chickpea. It has a brown skin but remains yellow underneath. These chickpeas can be used in curries, soups and salads. They can be stewed with meats like lamb and fish. One cup of cooked chickpeas contains: 269 calories, 45 g of carbohydrate, 15 g of protein, 13 g of dietary fiber, 4 g of fat.
Dried Ginger
Field grown. Excellent clean ginger notes with a refreshing ginger hot finish. Clean lingering character. Pale, yellowish liquor. Ginger, the tart knotty root spice, is probably the world’s most commonly used flavour additive. The root serves as the base of recipes in the cuisines of almost every culture in every corner of the world. Its purported medicinal properties, were thought to relieve indigestion, lack of appetite, the common cold, nausea and morning sickness related to pregnancy.
Fish Meal
Rich nitrogen and phosphorus plant food with a calcium bonus
Native Americans have fertilized with fish for centuries. The high nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in fish meal makes it a natural for flower and vegetable gardens, to help keep leaves green and support bountiful harvests. Fish meal is also a great source of calcium, which is instrumental in supporting plant structure.