Safflower seeds
Squirrels dislike the bitter taste of safflower seed. Mix with sunflower seed and gradually reduce the sunflower until only safflower seed is left. Birds continue to eat the pure safflower seed, and squirrels dislike the bitter taste. Watch squirrels soon search for food elsewhere! Simply enjoy watching your birds. 5 lb. bag.
Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are tiny, but this is one of the healthiest foods you can find. They have a delicious nutty taste and are used in a great variety of dishes all over the world. People discovered numerous health benefits of sesame seeds centuries ago. Either the seeds or oil made of them are mentioned in ancient Assyrian and Hindu legends. There are even some ancient Egyptian tomb paintings that feature bakers adding these seeds to bread dough.
During ancient times, sesame seeds were believed to have some miraculous properties that made a person healthier and increased longevity. Many of those purported health benefits of old have been researched and proven valid by the scientists of today.
Soy beans
With an average protein content of over 35%, soya beans have a selection of amino acids beneficial to a healthy diet. Soybeans are a legume. They are high in protein and oil, making it a very useful crop for feed for livestock and food for humans. In fact, every 60-pound bushel of soybeans produces 48 pounds of soybean protein meal and 11 pounds of soybean oil.