Asafoetida is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the living underground rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula (three of which grow in India), which is a perennial herb (1 to 1.5 meter. High).
Leveraging the skills of our qualified team of professionals, we are instrumental in offering a wide range of Asafoetida Powder.
Asafoetida is extensively used for flavoring curries, sauces, and pickles. It is also used in medicines because of its antibiotic properties.
Health benefits of cinnamon The active principles in the cinnamon spice known to have anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, antiseptic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, rubefacient (warming and soothing), carminative and anti-flatulent properties. Cinnamon spice has the highest antioxidant strength of all the food sources in nature. The total measured ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value for this novel spice is 2,67,536 Trolox equivalents (TE), which is many hundred times more than in chokeberry, apples, etc.
Cumin Seeds Health Benefits: In Indian food, cumin is used extensively. Its taste and aroma give a great touch. However, few people know that there are many benefits to eating cumin seeds. The importance of cumin in Ayurveda has been greatly appreciated.
Cumin is an excellent anti-oxidant and it is also effective in inflammation and muscle relief. There is also fiber in it and it is also a good source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. Vitamins like Vitamin E, A, C, and B-complex are also found in very large quantities.